Tangerine's Dream

Swinger club in San Jose CA

Name Tangerine's Dream
Location San Jose, CA, US
Phone +14084109137

Tangerine’s Dream Parties provide a friendly and relaxed private atmosphere where you can mingle and meet other sexy people, dance as close as you want, and wear as little as you`d like. We select upscale venues in and around the Silicon Valley / San Jose area from classy boutique hotels to private homes. We create a comfortable yet exciting ambiance, giving you room for socializing, dancing, relaxing, and of course a mix of semi-private and group play areas, personally prepared by Tangerine to be sensual and inviting.

Sensuality is emphasized in every aspect of our parties, even our sumptuous buffets of hot and cold dishes and assortment of sweets and treats. Sodas, bottled water and mixers are provided for your refreshment. We do not serve alcoholic beverages, but feel free to bring your own, provided you drink responsibly and in moderation.

Everything we do is focused on giving our guests the most fulfilling experiences possible. Our guest list is screened and only members are invited to our parties. Upcoming parties are announced on our `Calendar` page and once a member RSVPs, that member couple or single will be provided with the address and directions to the location of the party.

Every month we host between two to four parties, some with special themes. Please note that some parties are for couples and single women only, and at the parties where single men are permitted, their numbers are kept well below the number of couples.

We invite you to come to our next party, meet wonderful people and explore your fantasies in an environment created expressly for your safe and sensual enjoyment.

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Sexy Hoserie

Sexy Hoserie
Feel confident in luxurious lingerie at your next party