Scarlet Zone

Swinger club in New York NY

Name Scarlet Zone
Location Long Island City, New York, NY, US
Phone +19175216565

Open every Friday and Saturday night!
Now with the lowest prices for a full on-premise club in NYC!
Minutes from Manhattan - Exact address given to confirmed guests ONLY!

Scarlet Zone is a private club. ONLY members and their guests will be admitted. An Annual membership fee of $20 is applied to new members (couples pay only $20). While everyone must sign up for a membership (with the exception of a members guests), as a courtesy, membership fee is waived for members from other recognized Clubs, both local and from around the world. Please contact us to see if your club’s membership is recognized.


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Kinky Outfits

Kinky Outfits
Leather, Latex, BDSM toys and everything you can imagine (and some that you can't)